Friday 9 March 2012

March 9

Ni Hao once again!  It definitely appears that blogspot is unavailable to be accessed in China along with facebook I think this will be our mode of communication during this cultural trek. 

Thanks for your responses from the earlier email out today.

Today was our 1st official day in China and it has been fascinating and packed full of culture and adventure. We got on our tour bus this morning at 8 AM and were off to the MING TOMBS. 13 Emperors of the 15 Emperors from the Ming Dynasty were buried in this Valley and we went to tour the oldest of the 13. In 2009 they celebrated the 600th anniversary of his burial. We toured this region, building, and close to the tomb area. From here we drove to the Great Wall of China. We had another buffet lunch with so much variety and a lot of food!

Today was brisk, cold, sunny day and a little windy on the wall so we've kept our hats/mitts/warm coats on. The Great Wall was remarkable and was a highlight for all!  I don't think any of us expected it to be so steep. The size and length is remarkable as we drove alongside it while traveling today. We hiked on sections of the wall for a couple of hours this afternoon which gave everyone a chance to fully experience the size of this continuous castle (as they call it).

En route back to Beijing we toured the Jade Factory (as Jade is mined in this region) and then a Silk Factory which meant that we saw the entire process from moth to silk. We also had the chance to go an official "Tea Room" where we were properly taught how to make, serve and drink tea. We tried 4 different kinds from this country as well. We also drove by all the major Olympic buildings built for the Olympics and then walked along the Olympic boardwalk to the 'birds nest' .....all today!!

We came home to another full course meal with so much variety (We've had buffets for every meal with a LOT of food and a LOT of variety but by dinner tonight various students were already craving food from it shows everyone loves their own home cooking!!) Alice picked up fresh fruit tonight because that was one thing we commented on missing so perfect to have apples and bananas!

We had time for debriefing to share our experiences of this day. Students commented on so many aspects and just how much we did in one day.

A small group of students went for a walk tonight but most have already settled into bed ....some before 8 PM exhaustion has hit. C. has continued on with his crutches not missing a beat --- while icing it whenever possible. So please pray for his health and strength along with J who's been running a fever since our arrival.

Overall we all feel blessed to be in this country sharing this experience together!

Mrs. VV

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